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전문가처럼 뉴스 거래를 시작하세요!

실시간으로 실행 가능한 거시경제 데이터를 통해 시장을 움직이는 이벤트를 쉽게 모니터링하고 예측하며 대응할 수 있습니다. 실시간 시장 이벤트에 접근하려면 라이브 계정을 열고 $500 이상을 입금하기만 하면 됩니다. 아무것도 놓치지 말고 프리미엄 경제 달력으로 뉴스 주도 변동성을 거래하기 시작하세요!

거시 무역 시장 이벤트

즉각적인 행동을 취할 수 있는 실시간 경제 데이터를 통해 전 세계 30개국 이상의 시장 변동 이벤트에 대응하십시오.

Professional Economic Calendar

현지 시간에 뉴스를 접하세요!

우리의 프리미엄 경제 달력은 귀하의 시간대를 알고 있으므로 모든 뉴스와 발표 시간이 귀하의 위치에 따라 표시되어 중요한 움직임을 놓치지 않도록 합니다.

Professional Economic Calendar

뉴스 피드를 맞춤 설정하세요

NFP 또는 중앙은행 발표를 거래하는 것을 선호하든, 국가와 영향에 따라 뉴스를 필터링하여 중요한 뉴스를 선택할 수 있습니다.

Professional Economic Calendar

과거 사건에서 배우다

뉴스 발표가 외환 가격 차트에 겹쳐진 유사한 사건과 과거 데이터가 이전에 어떻게 전개되었는지 살펴보세요!

Professional Economic Calendar



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Moneta Markets Trading Tools package Terms and Conditions

This Promotion is valid from 21/05/2020.

Moneta Markets Trading Tools package is offered by Moneta Markets Ltd (herein "the Company" or "Moneta Markets") to the Company's clients.

1. By participating in this promotion, clients acknowledge that they have read and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and Client Agreement.

2. This offer is available to all clients of Moneta Markets

3. To claim this offer, you must:

a. Have a Live account with Moneta Markets

b. make a minimum deposit of at least 500 units of your base currency (excluding JPY)

c. Opt-in via the WebTrader platform, under 'Trading Tools'

4. Clients who successfully opt-in to this offer will be able to access the Moneta Markets Trading Tools.

5. Moneta Markets will not be responsible for any lost, late, incomplete, illegible, or misdirected entries.

6. Fraudulent, multiple or incorrectly completed applications will not be accepted.

7. Moneta Markets reserves the right to vary, alter, replace or revoke or cancel the Promotion Terms at any time without prior notice.

8. Changes to these Terms will be made available online and you are encouraged to check our website regularly.

9. Moneta Markets will resolve any dispute or situation not covered by these Terms in its sole discretion.

The report is prepared and presented by TRADING CENTRAL and is made available to Moneta Markets clients and potential clients. The opinions and views expressed in the report are solely those of the authors and analysts and Moneta Markets does not verify the accuracy of any claim or statement. The report is meant for informative reading and should not be relied upon as a substitute for extensive independent research. The information and opinions provided by TRADING CENTRAL do not take into account any particular individual's investment objectives, financial situation, or needs, and hence does not constitute as an advice or a recommendation with respect to any investment product.

General Terms and Conditions

The following conditions apply to all offers unless explicitly stated otherwise:

1. All Moneta Markets offers are only available in accordance with applicable law.

2. Moneta Markets offers are not designed to alter or modify an individual's risk preference or encourage individuals to trade in a manner inconsistent with their trading strategies.

3. Clients should ensure that they operate their trading account in a manner consistent with their trading comfort level.

4. New Accounts are subject to approval as per Moneta Markets' account opening procedure.

5. Individuals who apply for an account must check their local laws and regulations before applying for an account with Moneta Markets.

6. Clients referred by a PAMM/MAM or money manager are not eligible to participate in Moneta Markets offers.

7. Moneta Markets reserves the right to decline any application or indication to participate in any promotion at its sole discretion, without the need to provide any justification or explain the reasons for such a decline.

8. Moneta Markets at its sole discretion can exclude a client from participating in its offers or promotions if it believes of suspected fraudulent activity or an action by a client is found to be in violation of its Client Agreement or the offer/promotion Terms and Conditions. In case of a breach, Moneta Markets reserves the right to deduct any bonus amounts.

9. Moneta Markets may at any time make changes to these terms and conditions and will notify you of these changes by posting the modified terms on Moneta Markets website. You are advised to revise these Terms regularly and by your continued use of Moneta Markets website and services that you accept any such modified terms. Moneta Markets reserves the right to modify or cancel any offers at its sole discretion at any time.

10. Moneta Markets may at any time, at its sole discretion, cease or discontinue any of its promotions.

11. All Moneta Markets promotions only apply to Moneta Markets accounts unless explicitly stated otherwise.

12. Moneta Markets will not be liable for any loss, costs, expense or damage which may be suffered in connection with this offer and which by law may not be excluded by these Terms.

13. If these terms and conditions are translated into a language other than English, then the English version of the terms shall prevail where there is any inconsistency.

14. The provider of this offer is Moneta Markets Ltd (SIBL 1383491)

Additional Terms and Conditions

1. This offer is limited to one applicant per IP address All Moneta Markets promotions only apply to live accounts unless explicitly stated otherwise.

2. You must be over 18 years of age to register to apply for an account.

3. Moneta Markets may amend or discontinue this offer without any prior notice to current or prospective applicants and without having to compensate anyone for that.

4. If Moneta Markets suspects a client has abused or attempted to abuse this offer to the detriment of Moneta Markets beyond the intention of the offer, then Moneta Markets may deny, cancel or withdraw the offer to that client, and either temporarily or permanently terminate that client's access to the online services and suspend or close the client's account. This may also apply if the client has breached Moneta Markets' Client Agreement.

5. The applicant acknowledges and agrees that for an account to be established and accepted by Moneta Markets, Moneta Markets is required to perform identification checks in accordance with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws and regulations (AML/CTF Laws). Moneta Markets may, in its sole discretion, choose to reject an application if it is not satisfied as to the applicant's identity or if it suspects on reasonable grounds that by accepting an application, Moneta Markets may breach the AML/CTF Laws.

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