احصل على استضافة VPS مجانية

يعمل سوق الفوركس 24/5، لذا للاستفادة من السوق الذي لا ينام، يحتاج المتداولون إلى الحل الأمثل للسرعة والاستقرار ووقت تشغيل المنصة.

للحفاظ على منصة MetaTrader الخاصة بك تعمل 24 ساعة في اليوم حتى لا تفوت صفقة، قمنا بالشراكة مع HokoCloud لتوفير أسرع وأكثر حلول VPS استقرارًا وتلقائية، مثالية للمتداولين الجادين!

لماذا استخدام VPS للفوركس؟

  • Forex Vpsتحسين سرعة التنفيذ
  • Forex Vpsابقاء الخاص بك EA في التداول 24/5
  • Forex Vpsتسجيل الدخول من خلال أي جهاز كمبيوتر أو جهاز محمول، في أي مكان، في أي وقت
  • Forex Vpsتجنب التوقف عن العمل بسبب مشاكل الكمبيوتر
  • Forex Vpsسريع وسهل الإعداد.
Forex Vps

اطلب خادمك الافتراضي الشخصي المجاني الآن!

  • Forex Vps

    قم بتمويل حساب التداول الخاص بك بمبلغ 500 دولار أو أكثر وسجل VPS الخاص بك في Moneta Markets مع HokoCloud

  • Forex Vps

    تداول بحد أدنى 5 وحدات فوركس أو ما يعادلها، خلال شهر تقويمي.

  • Forex Vps

    أكمل هذا النموذج الاختياري كل شهر وسنتكفل برسوم VPS الخاصة بك في Hokocloud.

اختر الاشتراك للحصول على VPS مجاني

Forex VPS

"*" indicates required fields

I agree to the terms and conditions below*
شروط وأحكام الخادم الافتراضي المجاني

• 5 FX lots (or equivalent) of trading volume must be accrued during a full calendar month to be eligible.
• You must complete a single deposit of $500 or more to be eligible.
• Eligible VPS Subscription refunds will be processed within 10 days of the beginning of each calendar month.
• VPS Subscription will be reimbursed at the beginning of the calendar month AFTER your VPS subscription monthly cycle completes.
• In order to redeem your VPS subscription refund you must contact [email protected] at the end of each calendar month
• Moneta Markets offers are not designed to alter or modify an individual’s risk preference or encourage individuals to trade in a manner inconsistent with their own trading strategies.
• Clients should ensure that they operate their trading account in a manner consistent with their trading comfort level.
• New Accounts are subject to approval as per Moneta Markets’s account opening procedure. Individuals who apply for an account must check their local laws and regulations before applying for an account with Moneta Markets.
• Moneta Markets reserves the right to decline any application or indication to participate in any promotion at its sole discretion, without the need to provide any justification or explain the reasons for such a decline.
• Moneta Markets at its sole discretion can exclude a client from participating in its offers or promotions if it believes of suspected fraudulent activities or an action by a client is found to be in violation of its Accounts Terms and Conditions or the offer/promotion Terms and Conditions. In case of a breach, Moneta Markets reserves the right to deduct any bonus amounts.
• Moneta Markets may at any time make changes to these terms and conditions and will notify you of these changes by posting the modified terms on Moneta Markets website. You are advised to revise these Terms regularly, and by your continued use of Moneta Markets website and services that you accept any such modified terms. Moneta Markets reserves the right to modify or cancel any offers at its sole discretion at any time.
• Moneta Markets may at any time, at its sole discretion, cease or discontinue any of its promotions.
• All Moneta Markets promotions only apply to Moneta Markets standard accounts unless explicitly stated otherwise.
• Moneta Markets will not be liable for any loss, costs, expense or damage which may be suffered in connection with this offer and which by law may not be excluded by these Terms.
• If these terms and conditions are translated into a language other than English, then the English version of the terms shall prevail where there is an inconsistency.
• The provider of this offer is Moneta LLC
• Irrespective of the number of trading accounts that a Client may hold with Moneta Markets, the Promotion is applicable for one Account only.

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